Sepele tapi tak sepele...

~seseorang yang dekat di hatimu takkan pernah kaurasakan jauh darimu, bahkan ketika dia baru saja pulang dari tempat yang sangat jauh. Bahkan kau menemukannya seperti tak pernah pergi kemanapun ketika dia sudah di depanmu dan bercerita denganmu seperti biasanya~

Rindu itu sepele sekali ya...
Tiba-tiba saja datang tanpa perlu alasan berarti, walau baru saja bertemu, walau baru saja menyelesaikan pembicaraan di telefon, walau bahkan dalam waktu dekat dan dijangkakan akan bertemu, walau jaraknya juga tidak lah jauh dan sangat masih bisa dijangkau, tetap saja hal sesepele ini hadir.

Well, karena sengaja ke blog lama, sengaja juga main ke blog lama seseorang. Terharu aja tiba-tiba baca tiap baris disana di beberapa entrinya. Tulisan ini memang sudah bertahun, semoga saja perasaan itu tetap sama dan tak usang dimakan waktu yang bergulir begitu cepat. Tulisan itu dibuat ketika zz masih di Fukui. Setahun kemudian giliran beliau yang ke Cardiff, coba. :D
sepertinya benar, Allah ingin menjadikan kami dapat merasakan perasaan kehilangan yang sama satu sama lain, pernah meninggalkan dan ditinggalkan.Dan ketika bersama lagi, bahkan perasaan itu tetap sama bahkan semakin kuat dan menguatkan. Alhamdulillah.

When I just read those lines, can't help to shed my tears and a heart-warming feel just caught me in. Allah, yakin sekali memang, bahagia dan syukur itu bisa datang dari hal sepele mana saja, asalkan kita mau melihatnya. walau tanpa kita rancang sebelumnya, begitu saja datang mengetuk dan pamit seketika.

My best friend
Andai saja engkau ada di sisi ku detik ini
Menatap rona wajah ku yang kian sendu bak bunga layu
Merasakan tetesan rindu ku yang kian jatuh di taman kebersamaan kita
Mendengar kisah hati ku yang terpendam lama dalam ruang sunyi
Mengucap sebait kata indah tuk sejukkan hatiAndai saja mata ini mampu menatap wajah teduh mu

Andai saja telinga ini mampu mendengar suara merdu mu
Andai saja tangan ini mampu menyentuh tangan lembut mu
Andai saja bibir ini mampu mengucap salam atas mu
Andai saja tubuh ini mampu merengkuh tubuh hangat mu
Andai saja wajah ini mampu berteduh di atas pundak kecil mu
Tuk berbagi segala rasaYa Rabbi….
Mengapa dia senantiasa ku rindu?
Mengapa dia senantiasa di hati?
Mengapa dia sungguh berarti?
Mengapa dia sungguh istimewa?
Mengapa dia tak kan pernah terganti? Ah, ku tau kini jawabannya…
Karena ternyata…
Setelah kusadari…
Dialah yang terbaik…
Dari berjuta sahabat…
Di dunia ku…
She is…
Tak salah jika…
Tiada kata seindah kata dari hati lembutnya bak salju putih nan sejuk, kata yang punya sejuta makna dan warna
Tiada senyum sehangat senyum dari rona wajahnya yang memancar cahaya ketenangan, seakan meresap perlahan menusuk kalbu
Tiada tawa seriang tawanya yang mengajak bunga di taman kebersamaan kami menari penuh suka, dan sang kumbang pun cemburu
Tiada kenangan seindah untaian kenangan unik yang terukir indah di dunia kami, dunia yang penuh misteri dari Sang Pemilik Misteri
My best friend there…
For me…
For my heart…
For my life…

 posted by FaMeLia (2006)

Ah, rindu itu juga ternyata tak sesepele itu kan? Ia makin membaikkan hati dan diri. Menghangatkan hati.

The Interview just went kind of crap? :|

The Interview just went  kind of ‘Jack Fruit Cutting’ !! :0

I don't mean to joke around but that’s what really happened.

I almost thought the world just played trick on me yesterday. How so?

Alright, two days ago, I got a phone call, that I should send my CV in English to my lecturer for few months training to a country, then going back to Banda Aceh and work for the office.( I do not name the office and the country in purpose if you mind to ask). Work in goverment development program. Then a day before yesterday, just exactly before Magrib, again I got a phone call, and I was asked to come to the office on the next day for the interview with the foreigner. What?? Are they joking? Here, to tell the truth I really want to say that I am not going to step forward. I don't know the program at all, it is really too new for me. But again I seemed got trapped in. Another half of my brain said that may be just walk in to the interview is not a bad idea. Just go there and enjoy its fun, if it really exists!! XD  I just felt too fine that day, I guess that’s one of thing which make me to consider the interview for the tomorrow. Alright, let’s have fun, anyway. I said it to myself.

Then last night, I texted my lecturer who asked my CV, asking for few references toward the interview questions, what might be possible to be asked and so on. Unfortunately, I expected too much since I just got so little. He really did not know what would be interviewed. Yay!! What kind of crap is this actually? 
I guess this is my first time I just agreed to the thing I really have no idea about. Kind of adventurous? yet silly!!
Then the day is coming! O, it was yesterday. And yes, it was raining. I came there with a little bit wet. But then my nervous just dragged me out of the situation. What a good thing was I have a junior I really know, since she was one of my student for Japanese class long time ago. Same with me, she has no idea about the program, just being asked to send her CV. It’s kind of grrrfy-ing stuff actually, right? Hahah.
However, I got my turn before her. It took me about 30 minutes. I myself could not accept the whole things about the interview. Believe me! What I can say now about it is, that the interview was kind of ‘cang panah’. Good God!! I regret for many things happened yesterday. Ahahaha. Oh, it’s really not that bad nor I said bad things, but for me, that kind of interview was notthe one I hope for. XD


One thing that really helped me to ignore my bad mood after the interview was I met with si Adek. Since she was fasting then after Magrib we rolled to Pak Ulis Seutui for having her  and me eating. And after that we went to Canai Mamak since we wanted to continue our unfinished discussion. Hihi. And Canai Mamak seemed a comfortable one, atleast for a few times, we found it good, for its food and its comfy. Alhamdulillah. I guess I made her hear me saying the phrase ‘I really hate my interview’ or ‘I really messed it up’ few times. Ahahah. Sorry, Adek. But, I was really glad to have you with me last night. Thank you very much, adek.  :)

(Prada/ Oct 17th 2012)

Takdirmu adalah

Sesuatu yang memang ditakdirkan untukmu, akan menemukan jalannya kembali padamu, bagaimanapun caranya hilang atau pergi darimu. Demikian juga untuk sesuatu yang mungkin tidak ditakdirkan untukmu, seingin apapun engkau menjaganya, ia akan mencari jalan untuk pergi, atau hilang darimu.

Lalu tanyaku, bagaimana caranya engkau tahu apa yang menjadi takdirmu dan apa yang tidak ditakdirkan buatmu? Bagaimana caramu mengetahui semua itu? Mungkinkah kau hanya akan mendoakannya dan mengamininya dalam hati di awal, di tengah dan di ujung usaha terbaikmu? Begitukah? Bagiku, takdir itu juga punya nama lain ; keihlasan sesudah perjuangan dan kesungguhan dalam usahamu mengupayakan sesuatu. Benar. Upayakan yang terbaik untuk sesuatu yang diinginkan, jika engkau mendapatkannya dengan semua kebaikannya, Insya Allah, Dia menakdirkannya untukmu, jika pun engkau gagal, yakinlah Allah mengatur sesuatu yang lebih baik. Kau hanya perlu berbaik sangka padaNya. Walau banyak sedih, dan mungkin juga air mata yang bersaksi. Saksi betapa manusiawinya kualitas manusia kita. 

How much do you know me?

How Much Do you Know Me?

I suppose you should ask me that question someday when we meet again after those long time and distance between us.

Because my answers  are really important, truth be told. I don’t know you much. That’s how I can say. I know the words sound really suspicious but, hey,  what I want to confess is that I didn’t mean to crush all good things we’ve already had  nor the things we are planning at. Not that. How so? Umm...

Let’s just go track back. Well... What I really remember is that you’re a good friend. One of the best in our group that time.

Hey, how much do you know me, actually? Or... should I be the one who ask you that question?  

Wanna give a try?

One of my old bad habits is keeping and collecting alot of materials, anything of which is interesting, useful, and do on. It is very often that I copy them massively, then not all of them I checked out. Mubazir dah. tak baik kan. It just occupied the hard disk space instead of gaining benefits for better use. But, day by day, I have been starting it to review those materials and practicing brilliant methods, for example. 

A few nights ago, again I went trough some English Materials randomly and wanna share one of tips which can enhance our ability to understand English and to be excellent in speaking. If you love watching movie you might find this method useful. 
 They stated that,
Movies are great for learning English BUT you must use them correctly. Don’t watch all of an English movie. You will not understand it, and therefore you will not learn anything.
Only watch one scene or segment per week (maybe 2-3 minutes). Follow this method:

a) First, watch the scene with subtitles in your language. This will help you understand the general meaning.
b) Second, watch the scene with English subtitles. Pause. Use a dictionary to find new words you don’t understand. Write the new sentences in a notebook.
c) Listen to the scene a few times, with English subtitles. Do not pause.
d) Listen to the scene a few times, without subtitles.
e) Repeat a) - d) everyday for one week.

On the second week, go to the next scene/segment and repeat again. It will take you a long time to finish a movie. That’s OK, because you will improve your listening and speaking VERY FAST. This method is powerful-- use it!

Ps :
Credit goes to : Kristin Dodds, Joe Weiss, & A.J. Hoge
Learn Real English LLC


The Show Must Go On

Let it be! just like the book, the piece of paper. Just go on trough the pages, don’t stop in the beginning, in the mid part, but finish it till the last. Then we’ll find the answers beyond the obstacles we found in the back. It will reveal all the curiosity we hold dear inside. I guess, that’s the way how we should deal with our life mystery. All we need to do just to continue every step we’ve already taken in the beginning when we decide on something.

And one important thing, huznudzan towards all things Allah sets for us. Ikhlas hati untuk apa-apa yang berlaku. Bersyukur dalam bagaimana keadaan. 

Well~ you know... because our show must go on.

Happiness is...

Untuk sekarang, ternyata sederhana sekali maknanya.
alhamdulillah... bahagia itu ternyata ya bahagia. bahagia saja.
dan itu cukup…:)

(it should be) wordless wednesday

entri Jumat ini adalah rabu yang tertunda itu. karena sudah berjanji bahwa wordless wednesday minggu ini harus ada, makanya jadi maksa gini. sebelum perasaannya juga emosinya menguap maka kita harus segera pasang para makhluk pengisi wordless wednesday kali ini... hehe...

Ps :
Thank you for everything. For every good thing to make me better person. Semoga Allah membalasnya dengan yang lebih baik. You know who you are... ^^