Jadi zz setuju kalau tiap orang itu punya sisi terdalam, yang kadang tidak akan dia tunjukkan ke semua orang. Ada sisi suram, sisi sentimentil misalnya yang hanya keluar pada saat tertentu, saat bersama orang-orang tertentu. Kali ini tanpa sengaja zz kok pengen bahas this another side of people, ya.
This little brother of mine, a Malaysian student was actually an intern in my office. They had been here in Banda Aceh for 5 months. Our trip to Sabang with AI members last time was the first and the last trip together after we planned few times. Alhamdulillah, finally we made it. Oh wow, where this talk lead to? So, this guy is a smart student, we all agreed and could sense it from the way he put his opinions and arguments. come to more personal, he sometimes speaks too frank, (nak kate harsh sikit kan, hahah), suka mem bully tetiba, memuji tetiba, gak ngerti. I told him that he loves complaining things. many things, many times. ckckck. That's him then, I mean some parts of him that we know.
And... Guess what, in the last night of our time in Iboih, after finished our dinner, five of us chose to stay a bit longer, sat down nearby the beach in front of our bungalow. Then he started to leverage out his stories, he let out his another side of him. For me, honestly I feel amazed somehow, that's the part I dont really expect.
shortly said, we shared very good memories, really. Thank you for all things till this time!
And... Guess what, in the last night of our time in Iboih, after finished our dinner, five of us chose to stay a bit longer, sat down nearby the beach in front of our bungalow. Then he started to leverage out his stories, he let out his another side of him. For me, honestly I feel amazed somehow, that's the part I dont really expect.
shortly said, we shared very good memories, really. Thank you for all things till this time!
Then I would like to keep some words he wrote which I found beautiful along the picture that I guess he took somewhere else. The sentimental ambience is felt around, isnt it? Alahai nak.
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words, pic's credit goes to Kiff |
Morning, noon and night time,
The Iboih's wind blows the sand.
Wherever I walk, Wherever I run,
Im a stranger in this land.
Someone follows him at the beach,
The stranger now has a family.
He knows how to smile till it shows his teeth.
Stranger feels so happy.
Farewell dear my family.
Thanks for every moments that we created together.
Stranger will be back when he's needed.
Our friendship will be remembered forever
The Iboih's wind blows the sand.
Wherever I walk, Wherever I run,
Im a stranger in this land.
Someone follows him at the beach,
The stranger now has a family.
He knows how to smile till it shows his teeth.
Stranger feels so happy.
Farewell dear my family.
Thanks for every moments that we created together.
Stranger will be back when he's needed.
Our friendship will be remembered forever
We coincidentally had a chat today and he said that how he missed Aceh so much. Then surprisingly he drop a line, It 's like we miss the sun when it starts to snow. After that, he asked me to search and listen to that song that later he said the song was one of his fave : Let her go by Passenger. hahaha. and I did! well, its beautiful and sad at the same time. mesti ada cerita kenapa orang jadi suka sama sesuatu apalagi lagu favorit kan. The lyrics is beautiful, you appreciate something when you just realize you already lost it. Oh, human. :)
"So, this guy is a smart student, we all agreed and could sense it from the way he put his opinions and arguments. come to more personal, he sometimes speaks too frank, (nak kate harsh sikit kan, hahah), suka mem bully tetiba, memuji tetiba, gak ngerti."
gak ngerti juga, kayaknya zz memang sering nyangkut sama tipe yang kayak gini, ya? :mrgreen:
*disiram bensin* *duar* xD
eh btw, tambahin menu Name/URL buat comment-nya dong. di sini gak ada, jadi akhirnya pakai Google Account deh. terima kasih sebelumnya. :D
yud1~~ hahaha, Makanya zz bilang gak ngerti kan. XD
oh hey, define the word of 'nyangkut' ! :))
gak jaman lagi bakar orang, yud1, kan zz udah baik hati sekarang. hahahaha...
hooh, zz coba dulu ya, mudah2an bisa. :D
thanks for coming here anyway, what a surprise! XD
yap setiap orang ada sisi lain yang mungkin gak bisa terlihat dengan sekali, dua kali, tiga kali, empat kali atau lima kali pertemuan. setiap orang ada sisi lain yang perlu kita selami dulu utk kemudian memungkinkan kita merubah persepsi awal kita thd dia. nice posting kakak :*
Bahkan kadang kita tetap menemukan tiap sisi lain dari orang yang sudah hidup bertahun dengan kita dek. Mengenal manusia sepertinya memang tak mengenal kata selesai. :)
makasih dekk, :*
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