Bari-Puglia (Random-post)

So, this is a corner of a city named Bari, Puglia in Italy. What's on earth are you doing zz by posting this image? Hihi... let me explain then.
It surely did not come for no reason. It had one. Yesterday, I got a visitor from this city visited my blog. Since my Geography knowledge is not that good to cope with many great and famous cities in the world, I was attacked by my curiousity to know where the city is. I am sure what I do next, yep, I simply went asking our beloved Google. Then I found this amazingly beautiful view of the city. Let me keep this one here! I fell in love easily with it!

Mincuzzi, Bari

Cool isn't it? and I wish I posed in front of this beautiful building, Mincuzzi!

For me, it is honestly my first time knowing about this popular place in Italy. The Mincuzzi Warehouse, a symbol of the Barese commerce set in the heart of Bari, was projected in 1920 in Liberty style.Characterized by a gold-plated dome,by an Art Noveau internal architecture and by valuable materials for the decorations. It has been for many years become the seat of one of the most prestigious and exclusive high fashion shops in Bari.
It's just great, isn't it? Why don't add this one into my wish-list place to be visited in the future? It would not be hurt in  any way!! Okay, Let's make it come true one day, Insya Allah. :)

I am pretty sure you also have many places you want to visit badly, right? right?  ^-^


Anonymous said...

Italy?! .... tumben ... hehehe :-)

However, it's great....
"berjalanlah di muka bumi ini agar engkau melihat kekuasaanku"

I think, we have to decide our plan with other friends to travel .... :-)

Muhammad Haekal said...

aku pengen ke New Zealand! tempat shooting LOTR
salam kenal ya kak :)
kalo ada waktu, maen2 lah ke mari :)

My Story-Cup said...

@ Rahmat : hehehe, iya e, gara-gara ada pengunjung blog dari Itali, :D

sounds great!Let's plan a traveling in a group! :) *tetiba ingat yang speech zz tentang traveling*

@ Haekal : wah, salam kenal kembali, dek! Makasih udah singgah, tadi kk udah main-main ke blog Haekal, keren kali lah!! ^^b

My Story-Cup said...

@ Haekal : Semoga bisa menjejakkan kaki ya di New Zealand!! Aaamiin. btw, LOTR itu apa, Haekal? :D

Muhammad Haekal said...

amiiin, ya Allah :D
itu singkatan dari the lord of the rings, kakak :)

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