Wordless Wednesday

Prada/ June 26, 2013

Well, I just found some pictures while doing blogwalking to Katie the Scrapbook Lady and she's just talking about aliedward. Then I just visited it. As usual when I found anything related to craftwork, anything, particularly about scrapbook, I just feel enthusiastic easily. I enjoyed their work and stuff! it just... 'wow'. :)
It's really a great idea for scrapbooking your life. Project Life, she named it that way. You can give a visit to her homepage, many inspiring artworks and scrapbooking ideas will just make you amazed as I was. :)

So, I put some from hers as my entry today, :)
The idea for keeping many memories in our life is just brilliant. I mean, sometimes it comes to my mind that I want to have such thing but my scrapbook idea only for keeping photo and short stories along the pictures. But here, projecting every moment which pass and may be never come back and when I think we always can come back to see the memories right before our eyes, readily I'll say, 'yes' for sure! :)

And... I just love the sincere smile of her boy!! Masya Allah. :)

The happiness is simple yet priceless, isn't it?

These two has nice and decorative design that I love! :)

This one also caught my attention! :)

Wanna have one like this in my new scrapbook, hm, hm, ^^/ 

This cool picture is from her profile picture showed her staff trying to take pictures for their work. :)

...and this is her published book, manual about scrapbooking our life journey! Coba ada dijual di sini ya... :)
Alright, that's my wordless post for this time Wednesday! Hehehe. I love all the pictures above. Yay, thanks for the aliedward and katie. :)

 And, I hope you have a  great day, guys! :)

Respecting People

I asked the one I trust and discuss many topics with. This time the question is about paying respect. "What do you think about respecting people even if it hurts your standing? How you deal with it if it happens to you"

It's just a short yet content answer, "I'd say this question is entirely context-dependent. People earn respect - they should not presume to be given it automatically. People who hold bigoted/uninformed opinions should not be respected just for the sake of it!"

Exactly! I then replied, "I agree with you. Respecting people is good but still it depends. Sometimes it will be no good at all when we tried so hard putting ourselves against our rational, such as paying respect to those who are not even deserved for it".

Yes, this is mutual relationship, people will earn respect from other when they act properly and deserved to be respected, isn't it?

Curcol clearly detected?True!:D

Anyway, How about you?  what do you think then? May be you have another point of view toward this thing? May b you would say that respect is a must no matter what? :)

Pilihan-Pilihan dalam Hidup

Suatu waktu kita seperti orang yang tersesat dalam perjalanan, seperti petualang yang pesimis pada peta di tangannya, nelayan yang tak percaya pada kompasnya saat terlunta di tengah samudera. Rasa putus asa dan pesimis tak akan menemukan tujuan dan arah jalan yang sebenarnya seperti tertera pada peta.
Suatu waktu, kadang itu terjadi begitu saja.

Hidup yang kita jalani sekarang terbentuk dari pilihan-pilihan yang pernah kita buat. Pilihan kita sendiri. Dan untuk masa depan nanti, ia pun terbentuk dari pilihan-pilihan dan keputusan-keputusan yang kita buat hari ini. Pilihan kita sendiri. 

Maka pilihan berarti sesuatu yang diambil dengan meninggalkan sesuatu atau beberapa hal lainnya. Pilihan juga berarti memutuskan untuk menjalani apa yang dianggap paling baik dan paling mungkin pada saat itu, dengan pertimbangan baik dan terukur, terjangkakan, dengan harapan akan juga baik dan membaikkan di masa depan nanti. 

Seperti yang sudah-sudah, di perjalanan belakang sana, setiap pilihan yang sudah diambil punya konsekuensinya sendiri. Menatap jalan setapak di belakang sana, dengan berderet pilihan dan keputusan yang sudah dibuat, melihat peta terbentuknya apa-apa yang dijalani saat sekarang dan saat di hadapan nanti. Ketika sudah memutuskan berjalan di jalan A sekarang misalnya, maka yang terlihat adalah hal-hal yang merupakan efek dari pilihan itu. Kesyukuran harusnya terus diperbaiki, pada banyak hal baik yang ditemui di jalan ini, orang-orang baik dan luar biasa yang singgah dan kemudian bersama-sama berjalan di sini, peta capaian cita-cita di jalan ini. Kesyukuran juga harus terus meninggi pada kerikil yang dijumpai, hal buruk yang menempa diri menjadi lebih kuat, lebih tahan banting, lebih lapang dan ringan dalam menghadapi apa-apa yang datang. Semua itu sudah sepantasnya membuka setiap celah hati yang mengatup oleh pesimis dan ketakutan tak beralasan. Seyogianya semua hal baik dan buruk itu adalah takaran tepat yang menjadikan diri sosok yang bertumbuh dan berproses hingga seperti sekarang ini. 

Dan, tentu saja akan berbeda halnya jika di persimpangan yang diambil di belakang sana adalah jalan setapak yang lain. Maka hal-hal yang ada sekarang tentu saja tidak akan sama. Semua akan berbeda mengikuti pilihan dan keputusan yang dibuat di jalan itu. Hal-hal yang ditemui, orang-orang yang ditemui, tentu saja akan berbeda. Dan jika menoleh ke persimpangan yang lain lagi, maka tentu saja pilihan dan ragam keputusannya juga akan berbeda dan begitu seterusnya.

Dan buat zz, sejauh ini sudah perjalanan zz, semoga pilihan-pilihan yang pernah dibuat tidak pernah menjadikan zz orang yang menyesali keputusan yang pernah zz ambil, pilihan yang pernah zz buat. Konsekuensi tentu saja ada dan harusnya baik buruknya itu menjadi pelajaran buat zz. Apapun itu. Pilihan dan keputusan di masa lalu itu, yang menjadi tolak ukur apa yang dijalani saat ini, tak akan pernah bisa ditarik atau diulang lagi. Karena tak ada yang pernah bisa kembali ke masa lalu, pun dongeng mesin waktu hanya mengendap dalam lembar-lembar cerita saja. Hanya ingatan yang bisa pulang sesaat, mengeja memori yang tertinggal, kadang masih menyisa begitu nyata, kadang sudah begitu samar. Lalu ingatan hanya mampu merefleksi keputusan dan pilihan-pilihan masa lampau itu, tanpa daya untuk mengubah, seandainya ada pilihan yang dirasa terlanjur salah atau harusnya tidak dibuat. Tak ada yang bisa diubah, hanya bisa dievaluasi, agar kemudian di saat sekarang, ketika kemudian tiba kembali di persimpangan jalan untuk memilih kembali di antara beberapa hal, berhadapan dengan eksekusi keputusan-keputusan, maka hati, ruh, fikiran terlatih dengan apa yang sudah dilihat dan dipelajari di belakang sana, lalu dengan bijak dan rasa yakin kemudian memutuskan, memilih menjalani pilihan tertentu, tentu saja dengan meninggalkan pilihan yang lainnya, karena mengambil apa yang tersedia semuanya sekaligus bukanlah pilihan itu sendiri.
Ketika pilihan diambil, konsekuensi tiap pilihan selalu membersamai. Maka keyakinan lah yang akan menuntun konsistensi dan keteguhan pada apa yang sudah dipilih untuk dijalani. Rasa tanggung jawab pun turun serta, mengikat diri untuk menjalani pilihan yang sudah dibuat, lalu masa depan yang terbentuk kemudian lagi-lagi adalah wujud dari pilihan ini, dan selalunya akan berbeda dengan persimpangan-persimpangan pilihan lain. Lalu, jika kemudian engkau memutuskannya dengan segenap rasa yakin dan memulangkan perhitungannya dengan sangkaan baik pada perencanaan-perencanaan Allah, maka lanjutkanlah perjalananmu di jalan setapak ini, ambil semua hikmah terserak, yang kadang tampak seterang matahari, dan kadang samar seperti remang cahaya suluh, dan teruslah begitu. Yakin saja, hal-hal yang memang ia ditakdirkan untukmu, tanpa perlu kau ikatkan ke kudamu dengan penuh rasa was-was misalnya, akan tetap pulang dan kembali padamu. Sama saja jika ia sedari awal bukan berada di garis takdirmu, sekuat apapun telah kau pancang di dekat kemahmu, kau hanya menemui tunggul kosong di pagi harinya. 
Kau akan belajar pula dari tiap hal yang tetap bertahan tinggal atau yang meninggalkanmu. Kau akan belajar banyak. Selalu, setiap saat.

Maka lagi lagi kemudian...

Pilihan berarti sesuatu yang diambil dengan meninggalkan sesuatu atau beberapa hal lainnya. Pilihan juga berarti memutuskan untuk menjalani apa yang dianggap paling baik dan paling mungkin pada saat itu, dengan pertimbangan baik dan terukur, terjangkakan, dengan harapan akan juga baik dan membaikkan di masa depan nanti.

Maka, berbaik sangkalah dalam tiap jejak perjalanan hidup kita, pada pilihan-pilihan yang kita buat, bahkan pada hal terberat sekalipun, berbaik sangka pada Allah, Ia yang tiap segala sesuatunya ada dalam kuasa-Nya.

Bari-Puglia (Random-post)

So, this is a corner of a city named Bari, Puglia in Italy. What's on earth are you doing zz by posting this image? Hihi... let me explain then.
It surely did not come for no reason. It had one. Yesterday, I got a visitor from this city visited my blog. Since my Geography knowledge is not that good to cope with many great and famous cities in the world, I was attacked by my curiousity to know where the city is. I am sure what I do next, yep, I simply went asking our beloved Google. Then I found this amazingly beautiful view of the city. Let me keep this one here! I fell in love easily with it!

Mincuzzi, Bari

Cool isn't it? and I wish I posed in front of this beautiful building, Mincuzzi!

For me, it is honestly my first time knowing about this popular place in Italy. The Mincuzzi Warehouse, a symbol of the Barese commerce set in the heart of Bari, was projected in 1920 in Liberty style.Characterized by a gold-plated dome,by an Art Noveau internal architecture and by valuable materials for the decorations. It has been for many years become the seat of one of the most prestigious and exclusive high fashion shops in Bari.
It's just great, isn't it? Why don't add this one into my wish-list place to be visited in the future? It would not be hurt in  any way!! Okay, Let's make it come true one day, Insya Allah. :)

I am pretty sure you also have many places you want to visit badly, right? right?  ^-^

Our Reading Club

June 17, 2013

The club just made my day from this first time. well, basically that was the second meeting, but I missed the first one so this became my first chance to share my reading. It was totally fun and worth coming. I've got another 10 review of books from each of them. Really gReat. It was aladeen job!! (hahaha, ini sih sambil pake gaya Bang Faisal Zakaria dan Kak Famel... XD )

I took the Desperately Seeking Paradise, the book of Ziauddin Sardar with me yesterday. Since I planned to finish writing its review for book review post soon, I would not write it here right away. Yet, I would like to list those book reviews which I heard directly from them who finished it. The most significant thing of this club for me is that I can really see how enthusiastic they are when they talked about the book and we, the audience could see it clearly that for some of them, they were really sooo... into their reading. Their passion, their character, their taste, their review telling style, are just great! worth it!
For me, I've got chance to know my friends better, even the new I've just met there. I guess the first impression really varied! Alhamdulillah, shortly said : one more well-spent sunday! :)

Great friends who united us yesterday

So here go our books presented yesterday :
1. Kemi by Adian Husaini (Nazir)
2. The Magician by Michael Scott (Atin)
3. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (Eja)
4. Kiss the Lovely Face of God by Mustafa Mansur (Muhib)
5. Quantum Ikhlas by Erbe Sentanu (Rahmat)
6. Summer in Seoul by Ilana Tan (Ferhatt)
7. Subconcious Mind in  Action (Al)
8. Desperately Seeking Paradise by Ziauddin Sardar (zz)
9. Kesaksian Seorang Dokter (Dini)
10. Golden Bird (Dara)
11. The Great Spirit by Prie GS (Doni)
Children who had a fun time with books

Arriving home, I was welcomed by 'short yet lawak conversation' with my youngest brother. I called him out of his room since I  brought back some snack. When I handed it to him, he was kind of putting smile and said,
"is that a new one?" He pointed out my jilbab, actually. 
"of course not. why?"
"it's so flamboyan... ". then he dissappered from my room door. Haaa???! wait, flamboyan??
*pegimane maksudnya*
"hahaha... what's with the comment?!" 
"nothing, hehehe" He continued answering from his room.
"see, you're so busy, so you even didn't notice my old tudung!"
He's actually busy with his college exam, he is now a saphomore in Civil Engineering at Syiah Kuala University. Hope he gets the good score. I always see that he's worried so much about it. well, look who's talking, I actually have been there, done that, the exactly same thing! XD
So, now, how's the busier one? I just throw the ball, I guess! hahaha...

~It was a blessing for having the wonderful circle. Priceless.
Dan aku melangitkan syukur padaMu ya Rabb, sepenuh sungguh~

The courtesy of pics belong to Doni, thanks for the capture, dek!^^

Merekatkan 'H' untuk Hati

Well... akhirnya salah satu hal yang paling ditunggu di bulan Juni tiba. Setelah penantian panjang dan penuh harapan dan guncang galau tiada ujung, pengumuman hasil seleksi berkas untuk Research Student ke Jepang dirilis tanggal 10 Juni kemarin. Apakabar nasib aplikasi zz? Juga nasib Ria Adek yang ikut apply?
The decision has been made. It said that : ... that we didn't make it! Why? I have no idea. :D
And I am not interested putting some drama in this scene right now, We've done doing that in real before this talk written here, haha.

I actually was in Lhokseumawe to attend The 4th ICAIOS, the International Conference on Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies, held at Unimal Lhokseumawe started from June 8-9, hosted by Unimal and Harvard University. Harvard? Yes, my dear, you're not mistaken in hearing things. This project was successfully conducted and it just got better and better than before. Alhamdulillah.
So, on that 10th June, I was in one of panel discussion and actually before the presentations began, earlier in the morning, I sent a text to Ria asking her to check the Japan Embassy website. I could not access it since I was engaged with the agenda. Few minutes later, she wrote me that she did not find our name in the list. At that time, I replied immediately, "berarti belum rejeki ya dek, kita ikhlas aja". But, when I walked back into the panel room and reached my seat, I clearly felt that something just hit my deepest inside. It hurts a bit but I ignored it readily. I was prepared for the discussion though.

I also had the news confirmed few hours later after Oya, my sister replied my message and told me the same, there was no my name there. Ahem. Okay! This is how things done for this time! I smiled or that's how I really want to feel and do at once. :D

I told kak Famel and Bai when we were having lunch about the result. They tried to cuddle me by saying, 'there's still Fulbright" and "Insya Allah then Fulbright will be the best ?" said them. I just said 'aamiin ya Rabb' till my deepest heart and yea, they're right, Allah may prepare better scenario for me, not with this scholarship. I should not let myself down, I dont think I should. Just be husnudzan, zz, that's how I pamper myself and my heart.

Then, when we arrived at the guess house, it was very late, 11.30 pm, almost midnight already. After took a bath, I was told from inside that before closing my eyes and taking a rest (I was bloody exhausted to be honest!) I opened my computer and went through the website. No, no, it does not mean I did not trust them or I just hope the fact would change this time. Not that. I just wanna witness it myself, hahaha. I felt different and weird feeling I don't know how to describe exactly. I just talked to myself :  "so, this is how you will feel when you saw something or you checked it through a list and ended up by finding fact that your name is not there". Funny how things worked out after that. hahah. I smiled widely yet bitterly. Then I turned off my computer, then turned my body facing kak Famel's bed so I feel a bit comfortable knowing she is there sleeping in peaceful right beside me,  and... Then I prepared to sleep. I honestly will tell you that I was trying a bit hard to fall asleep. My mind was kind of wandering to many places, dragging many thoughts and hopes hanging right here, right there. Full loaded. I prepared zikir and said praying till finally I lost in dream I could not even recall when I woke up in the morning. We're all extremely in hurry since we're late and the bus will be coming to pick us at 7.30. None of us woke up early that day! Disaster!! We even had our nasi bungkus for breakfast (thanks alot Pak Saiful for your care of us! I know and I can see, you're a truly leader! You deserve to be the best!) in the bus taking us back. We ate the nasi guri without water, water came after few hours later, hahah. And during the eating, we need to hold the bungkus by our left hand. I almost could not manage this thing! XD anyway, it was really enjoyable and rarely happened!
One more fun thing for sure, we were in the same bus with Matthew Menarchek from Cornell Univ, Dag and his wife, Mbak Diyah Larasati, they're both from Minnesota Univ and they really are sweet couple!! :)
Well, even  you could imagine, that it was very undescrible, right? Yes, the hectic activity that morning helped me to make the announcement set away to the safe place till... I arrived in Banda Aceh and met with Adek, hahaha.

We agreed to meet at Chocolate, our favorite place recently. We kept smiling in significant signs and just simply laughed. Her words in her text just pop up suddenly in my mind, "my heart just broke in five parts, kak, we need to glue them back together". What a lovely sister I have. :)

Then we talked many good things, supported each other,  said the best praying, and hope that Allah will give the best for us. whatever things are!
Insya Allah. Of course He's the one who really know things that fits us best. We just need to trust and husnudzan toward it.

Well, another news is approaching, what will the news look like then...

Before and After Things Happen

Kita mungkin tanpa sadar sering mengatakan, banyak hal yang terjadi begitu cepat, bahkan terlalu cepat. Terkadang kita bahkan sempat tak tersadar dan mengambil langkah yang kita rasa pantas. Semuanya begitu saja lewat dan terjadi di depan mata. Meninggalkan kita yang tercengang, terheran, terkejut setengah mati dan hanya terpaku pada jeda di akhirnya. Sekejap kemudian, mungkin ada rasa sesal, berpikir harusnya kita sedikit lebih cepat bergerak dari itu semua, berharap bisa mencegahnya terjadi atau paling tidak membuatnya sedikit lebih baik dan tidak seburuk itu. Tapi percuma saja, sudah terjadi. Yang kita punya kemudian hanya menyesali dan hanya bisa merasa terpukul, memarahi diri sendiri, menyalahkan diri atau bahkan lebih buruk, menyalahkan orang lain. Kita melewatkan hal penting dua kali sekaligus, melewatkan pertanda! Ya, pasti ada pertanda-pertanda kecil ataupun besar, jelas tampak atau samar jika saja kita teliti dan cermat sebelum tiap hal terjadi, andai kita mau melihatnya dengan seksama, tidak terburu-buru tanpa perhitungan. Lalu ketika semua terjadi, kita melewatkan hal penting lagi, kita adalah sebab hal itu terjadi, kita urun peran dari sejak awal, kita melewatkan lagi dengan sempurna, dengan berkilah , kita mengatakan, semua terjadi begitu cepat, kita tidak siap. 

when you fail to plan, you actually plan to fail.
sometimes, this really is just too good to be true...

Great moments define your day!

It was gReat today, Really gReat! (Aladeen mode-on)
Ini sih sambil membayangkan ekspresi wajah Kak Famel. Lawak!

Tadi pagi dengan sedikit tergesa pulang dari rumah mak Aloh, tempat kos zz yang lama, karena semalam pulang dari English Club nya kami, zz sama si Ria adek pergi pesan mi lagi karena didera rasa lapar yang tak terkira.Ketergesaan ini bukan tanpa alasan, segala agenda pagi di hari libur sekarang berubah jadi non-libur. Sekilas terdengar seperti mimpi buruk bukan? Tapi bagaimana pun demi sesuatu yang baik dan masa depan yang lebih baik dan pemahaman serta ilmu yang lebih baik pula (hish, panjangnya! ) maka mimpi buruk berubah menjadi harapan baik. :D

Well, ini sebenarnya karena proyek hidup zz sekarang, Sekolah Riset nya The Aceh Institute, tempat zz berlabuh saat ini. Yep, mulai Mei ini kelas Sekolah Riset udah mulai tiap Sabtu-Minggu, jadinya ya sepeerti yang dikatakan tadi, dua hari weekend berubah jadi hari kerja karena harus masuk kantor dan ngurusin apa-apa aja yang diperlukan.

Then, how do you like it, zz? Alhamdulillah, so far so good. 
Mungkin juga karena tugasnya gak banyak, atau lebih tepatnya belum banyak. Timnya beranggotakan kami bertiga, ada kak Famel, Bai, dan Zz. Bisa dibilang kami sedang belajar jadi tim yang baik. sii...hhh. Hmm, jadi sebuah keharusan sih sebenernya, dan tanpa disangka seru aja kerja tim bareng mereka. I really enjoy it though. Capeknya jadi berimbang dengan kelegaan dan kepuasan sama hasil kerja. Iya sih ini belum apa-apa. Semuanya baru aja mulai, jadi masih perlu jaga-jaga di sana sini, harus ekstra waspada, supaya gak ada yang terlewatkan.

Let's be back again about the class of  research school. Seperti sebelum-sebelumnya, kuliah hari ini juga seru abis! Materinya Metodologi Berpikir Kritis-Kreatif, yang diasuh oleh Pak Fuad. My Goodness. It was so amazingly interesting, the material, the lecture itself, the students. I was amazed on how they were so into it. Really good to see it.
(Well, I guess I really need to pay my entries for the last May about my personal thing and also this Aceh Institute Project. I have promised myself to do it.)
Jadi ntar memang harus ada special post tentang Sekolah Riset ini, mulai dari persiapannya, launchingnya sampe running nya. Karena walau bagaimanapun ini adalah bagian dari catatan perjalanan aktivitas zz juga.

Serunya suasana kelas ini sememangnya tak dapat disangkal, namun tetep aja ada yang kurang, yaitu kak Famel yang gak bisa hadir hari ini karena lagi ada survei ICAIOS di luar Banda Aceh, tepatnya di Bener Meriah. Jadi ya tadi cuma sama Kepala Sekolahnya aja, si Bai, yang itupun lagi-lagi jadwalnya padat,  dia datangnya telat karena ada meeting trus pergi lagi karena harus ngisi kelas menulis. ckckck. aktivis tingkat tinggi.

Well, after the class finished, I actually had another plan canceled this Sunday. What was that? Go hiking and find the Secret Beach, that is the mission, but somehow I actually feel doubt to go. Then, no later than 1 pm, Kak Zatin made me feel relieved in a way after she texted me, that she can't make it today. She's got to work on her report. Oh, Sounds great for me, then I just texted Alex informing him we can't go hiking today. He said 'no problem'. clear, done! :)

Going home and taking a rest for a while, then around 3 I got a text from Kak Zatin asking to work outside. She found a quite yet comfortable place nearby Pango bridge actually. Yes, it's quite far from my house but it was worth coming.  Kak Zatin was already with Agus when I arrived there. Then we are really having a agood time together. We talked  about many inspirational things, experiences, and more while we were doing our tasks.  I myself  was working to finish my own such as writing emails to all of the participants, sending the materials, also replying few emails, then checking out few universities and finishing my report. Oh Mine!
Finally we were kind of finishing our work. Agus did either. He was busy reading some materials and I guess he needs them for his final project. Fiuhh... It was a good time we had today. A well-spent Sunday!
But, one more thing, I need to get a portion of rice soon. I just skipped my breakfast and lunch today. :|

Anyway, it was a blessing for having good time with friends and also finishing things need to be done. Alhamdulillah. :)

So.... welcome tomorrow! Oh, it will be Monday?!!
Fine! Because...still, I have the happiness jar full inside to walk my days ahead. yay. ^-^

Hope you had a great weekend as well everyone. :)